I had a chance to hear our Assistant District Super. speak last night, it was good. The intent was to speak about the Apostolic Movement and equipping the saints for service as we read of the 72 Jesus sent out doing in Luke 10. Well, through the course of the night, he said something that has stuck with me, and I wanted to repeat here for all to think about...
He had made mention of Peter, and how he often was one who said, "No Lord!" When Jesus said that He was going to be offered up and was going to die on the cross in Matthew 16, Peter said, far be it from you Lord. NO LORD! When Jesus was washing his feet in John 13, he said, you shall never wash my feet! NO LORD! Even in Acts 10 when the sheet comes down from heaven with all kinds of animals on it, and God speaks to Peter saying, take, kill and eat. Peter says NO LORD!
It just hit me that we often do say, NO LORD just like Peter did. It stuck with me, and caused me to say "forgive me Lord!" I say it on occasion...and so do you, I am sure. Rev. Paul Grabill made the point saying that "NO LORD" is an oxy-moron. You cannot say "no" to your "Lord," otherwise, He is not Lord. It is like the old saying that goes, "If He is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all." It is so true, isn't it?
So, the next time the Lord calls you to do something, don't be so quick to say, NO LORD. Instead, swiftly say YES LORD, YES LORD, YES, YES LORD!