Just last Wednesday Night I told our people that God wants to use us for ministry - in ministry. Ephesians 4 goes through some of this when it describes to us the five-fold ministry, and verse 12 talks about how my job as a pastor is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. I believe in that!
I also believe that God has given us all a gift to use for the benefit of the Kingdom. Further, I believe that God does this because of His grace, read Ephesians 4:7. What is frustrating to me is how so many wonder why God would want to use them, they question God's wisdom - like they are so much smarter - and forget about the tremendous grace of God who gives us gifts liberally!
Now, I was just reading this morning of how God delivered the Israelites through the Red Sea, while Moses led them. He was also a guy who questioned God's wisdom in using Him. Yet, He was God's chosen man.
What I love about the thought of God using people was made very evident to me as I was reading in Exodus 14 today. In verse 26, God tells Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea so that the waters will come back upon the Egyptians. Now, I know that God wanted to do that, and He could have just made it happen, but God chooses to use people in partnership with Him to accomplish His work.
Here is a saying to drive home my point: "God alone can save the world, but God can't save the world alone." God has choosen to use us! Won't you jump in and be a part of what He wants to do in and through you?