Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Missing the Point!

I wanted to share an illustration today that still strikes me deep as I think about it. I have been preaching from Revelation 2:1-7, where the Lord speaks to the Church of Ephesus about their lossing their first love. We all run the danger of doning that very thing... We get busy, we try to keep things going, but are spread out too thin, and before you know it, we have lost our first love and we have missed the whole point of why we are doing the things we are doing for God because the love in our hearts for the Lord have grown cold.
This story I have run across really speaks to the issue in a vivid way. John MacArthur, Jr., in his book The Ultimate Priority tells the following story…
A number of years ago I read a newspaper account of a christening party in a wealthy Boston suburb. The parents had opened their palatial home to friends and relatives who had come to celebrate the wonderful event. As the party was moving along and the people were having a wonderful time, eating and drinking and celebrating and enjoying one another, somebody said, “By the way, where is the baby?”
The heart of that mother jumped and she instantly left the room, rushing into the master bedroom where she had left the baby asleep in the middle of the massive bed. The baby was dead, smothered by the many coats of the guests.
Christian firend, that is a vivid and disturbing image, revealing to us just how caught up in the work of the Lord we can become, and yet fail in ministering to the Master Himself. Like with the Mary and Martha dilema in Luke 10. But Jesus said that Mary chose the better thing. Which is a warnign to us that if we are not cautious, we can miss the whole point of what we are doing! It really is all about Jesus!
Give this some thought, G. Campbell Morgan said, “No amount of activity in the King’s service will make up for the neglect of the King.”
Hum the lyrics to the song, "Heart of Worship" to yourself, and remember that in all we do and say for the Lord...it is first ALL ABOUT HIM! Don't miss the point.

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