Monday, January 15, 2007

What's with the weather???

I don't know about you, but I have enjoyed the mild winter that we are having so far. In the Northeast, the temps have been mild, where it always seems to be cold and blistery any other year. What is remarkable to me is how the weather has been so harsh in the West, and Mid-West - in stark contrast to what we have be having. We were talking with some friends in Mississippi not long ago, and they told us how the temps were in the 30's...we were warmer up here! What's going on with the weather??? They tell us it is all because of this El Nino thing in the Pacific Ocean. Plus, there is a huge scare about global warming and everyone is in an uproar.
Well, I have had this verse/story on my heart a lot lately...I Kings 17-19. The story is about Elijah, who was a great prophet of God. He prayed that it would stop raining and it did. Jezebel was furious about it, and Ahab too for that matter. But, God's judgment on the land was no rain came, famine increased tremendously.

It was during this time that Elijah possed a challenge to the prophets of baal, and won that challenge. If you are not familiar with it get your Bible and read it. However, after Elijah took on the prophets of baal, and killed all 450 of them, and all the people came to trust in the Living God that day. Something else began to "trickle" in...

There was a sound that was the Spirit. Elijah hears it! Elijah tells Ahab to go eat and drink, because there was "a sound as of the abundance of rain!" Then, Elijah went to the top of Carmel, and began to implore the Lord to send rain again. The Bible tells us that seven times he sent his servant out to look for rain. He came back and kept saying, I see nothing. But, on that seventh time, there was a cloud that the servant saw, about the size of a man's hand.

I say that to say this...I wonder if God's hand is coming over the earth and is about to send a Spiritual rain??? At our Monday morning prayer meeting today, the Lord laid something on my heart in regard to the weather changes - you see, what seems to happen in the natural sometimes does relate to the spiritual. I felt like the Lord spoke to my heart and said that the weather changes we have seen here in the US lately are a sample of the Spiritual changes that are about to take place in the US. Places that were once cold and closed to the Lord, will be opened to Him. Places that have been cold in Spirit will begin to experience the fire of the Holy Spirit! I not sure if this means the Northeast in particular, or all the US, but I just am trusting God to pour out His Spirit.

Joel prophesied that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit. I beleive that He is still going to do that. My only prayer is that we will see the hand of the Lord rising up over us all, and the we will hear the sound of abundance of rain! Are you looking for it!

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