Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How do we beat all the evil in the world?

I have run across this verse a number of times, and it seems to keep surfacing...this time in devotions with my kids. Romans 12:21 - Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.
Wow! How appropriate for us to hear when most Christians always cry about all the evil in the world, and how overwhelming it is. This piece of advice is for each of us...start doing good!
  • How do we deal with all the hate that people seem to seeth with? Display the love of Jesus Christ!
  • How do we handle the tremendous amount of filthy language that we constantly hear? Begin to talk about God, and speak blessing instead of the cursing.
  • How do we handle the constant negative attitudes that we seem to combat all the time? Try speaking the positive and words of hope.
You get the point...
So, instead of always complaining about the bad all the time; maybe us Christians should do good and speak good, and be good to overcome it? At least then, the evil is not overcoming us, right? And we aren't contributing to it either.

This may be too simplistic, but there is certainly room for it... You remember the movie "Evan Almighty?" Ark stood for, "Act of Random Kindness." This world can afford a little more of it...

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